Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hellenic Republic

Global IP/MPLS VPN Network (NETVIS)
The Need
The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) supports the visa issuance procedures through the development of a reliable IP MPLS VPN that connects MoFA with the embassies and consulates of Greece in 83 countries.
The services
We provided to MoFA a global IP / MPLS VPN including:
24x7x365 available, secure IP/ MPLS VPN network worldwide.
Telecommunication access circuits (main, backup, redundant) per access node.
Procurement and installation of the necessary active network equipment and central Network Management System (NMS) at each access node.
Implementation studies and techno-economic analysis for new deployments.
Provision of integrated services (network installation, modulation, operational support), training services and SLAs.
The benefits
The services provided in the context of NETVIS are fundamental for MoFA to fulfill its purpose by:
- Ensuring the free movement of people.
- Ensuring a high level of security.
- Restricting the trafficking of persons.
- Restriction of illegal immigration.
- Prevention of terrorist acts.
- Reduction of bureaucratic procedures.