European Commission – Directorate General of Informatics (DIGIT)

Provision of IT Consultancy Services in T&M (DIGIT ΤΜ)
DIGIT TM is a contract of the European Commission (EC) to serve the operational and business needs of the EC itself, and in particular the Directorate Generals (DGs), the Joint Research Centres (JRCs), as well as the participating Executive Agencies, for the conception, development, and implementation of Information Systems (IS) and the administration and support of information systems and ICT configurations.
We provide via DIGIT TM consultancy services in Time and Means mode for different DGs of the European Commission.
Experienced professionals of OTE Group are able to undertake and deliver complex and mission-critical projects, covering a large spectrum of areas, such as:
Project Management.
Business Analysis.
Enterprise Architecture.
Application Architecture.
Software Development (Java, .NET, GIS).
Quality Assurance and Testing.
Infrastructure Engineering.
The DGs enjoy the services of highly skilled and experienced consultants for the development and operation of their bespoke information systems, in order to fulfill their operational and business needs by:
- Implementing decisions and legislations applicable in their domain of responsibility.
- Interacting appropriately with the stakeholders in their area of responsibility.
- Communicating effectively their key messages to their audience.
- Protecting sensitive and restricted data and infrastructure.
- Empowering their employees and key users to perform their tasks in the most efficient manner.
- Fulfilling their mission towards the EU citizens.