ECHA Consultancy on Microsoft

Consultancy/Advisory Services based on Microsoft products and technologies
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is the European Union’s Agency, which is responsible for the implementation of the European Union regulation regarding Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, ECHA promotes the safe use of chemicals, helps companies comply with the legislation and is the driving force among regulatory authorities in implementing the EU’s chemicals legislation, for the benefit of human health and the environment.
ECHA is committed to making investments in businesses and technologies that make the world run more efficiently. The Agency seeks to benefit from opportunities being raised during the evolution of the Microsoft technologies. Having a trusted service provider to secure availability of performing and cost-efficient services on Microsoft products is a critical element for ECHA to maintain and enhance the required IT support to business.
Our Consultancy/Advisory services embrace continual change through the power of people and the Microsoft ecosystem, leveraging business, industry, people and advisory services and cutting-edge technology capability to help our clients define what matters.
Our services include:
Consultancy and advisory services in the area of enterprise architecture, innovation, IT security and strategies
Project services in the areas of application development and migration/transition to Microsoft Public Cloud
Managed IT services in the areas of Application management, Service Desk, DevOps, Service Integration within the context of Private Cloud (on-premise) and Microsoft Public Cloud (PaaS/SaaS) software.
The above listed services are based on Microsoft Products and Technologies (indicatively: Microsoft Power Platform, SharePoint, .NET Webforms, Office 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Identity Manager, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Azure, Azure DevOps, Microsoft Active Directory, ADFS, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Internet Information Services, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Windows OS).
Through the adoption of Microsoft technologies, ECHA is now fit for the digital future and the new products gives the Agency the confidence it needs for future development. It also enables the expansion of the online business and helps employees manage process optimization. As a result:
- ECHA takes advantage of Microsoft technologies and services for the benefit of administrative and operational work of the Agency.
- To scale, ECHA moves to be far more agile as a business maximizing innovation across the organization, while enabling IT to provide constructive guidance to accelerate value.
- ECHA uses the Microsoft platform from a cloud perspective, but the Agency also started to embed ways of working that would allow us to grow while still retaining a sense of community and collaboration across its growing teams.