Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators

IT System Integration
The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) is mandated to ensure that the single European market in gas and electricity functions properly, to foster the cooperation between the national regulatory authorities and to assist them in performing their regulatory function at the country level.
To serve its purpose and to provide services to the NRAs and the energy industry in the 28 member states, ACER operates a complex IT environment, comprising both COTS and bespoke applications.
We provide IT system integration services for ARIS, i.e. the core information system implementing the regulations and policies in the energy sector.
The services are delivered both onsite and offsite and include both operations of existing infrastructure deployments as well as new installations.
Central Service Desk services, both onsite and offsite to support the end-users of ARIS throughout the office hours of the Agency.
Infrastructure implementation and operations including management of the system infrastructure of ARIS, management of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and provision of digital certificates for ARIS users, and information security management.
Service Management including the implementation, operation and further development of the ITSM processes, artefacts and workflows.
Project Management including project planning, monitoring and reporting.
ACER enjoys high quality IT systems integration and operation services that enabling them to fulfill their mission in the field of energy market regulation and coordination, by:
- Effectively implementing the ACER processes and regulations for market monitoring and coordination.
- Securely communicating with the stakeholders in the field of energy (National Regulation Authorities for Electricity and Gas, Electricity Transmission Operators, Gas Transmission Operators, etc.).
- Enforcing cybersecurity policies and access control to sensitive/restricted data.
- Enabling and supporting their employees and key users to use reliable IT infrastructure services.
- Supporting energy market transparency and economic growth across Europe.
- Ensuring business continuity against risks/threats such as COVID-19.